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Story of 4 Female Influencers Empowering other Women By Byitsown

Individuals with innovative ideas and creative solutions are continuously on our radar. Because of their innovative thinking, dedication, and pioneering spirit, they stand out. Today, we at Byitsown want to highlight female entrepreneurs’ success stories and influencers’ success stories that are a great inspiration to aspiring influencers and entrepreneurs. There are plenty of female influencers who share entertaining videos and informative posts that demystify financial literacy and empower women to make informed financial decisions.

The competitive world we live in makes it hard to establish a niche. We have outlined the women that we think are on top of their game and that would be perfect for someone who is just starting out to follow. Here we go!

Dolly Singh- Dolly, an internet sensation known as ‘Raju ki Mummy’, features entertaining videos and trends on social media. She creates humorous and relatable content to address many issues. As a creator, she gives us insight into body shaming, mental health, and shares cute videos with her parents. This wonderful entertainer is empowering several women to break stereotypes and begin the journey to live positively.

Falguni Vasavda-

A beauty blogger and fashion rebel, Falguni Vasavada promotes body positivity among women. Gender Equality, Body Positivity, Women Empowerment, Work-Life Balance, and Happiness are among her top values. She inspires us to embrace our bodies and create a strong personality that goes beyond our appearance. She hopes to make the world a happier, safer place for women. Natasha Noel-

Natasha is a famous yoga instructor, dancer, and media influencer. Her positive future after a painful past gives hope to many. In addition to being a motivational speaker, she is passionate about breaking the stigma in society that surrounds rape, abuse, and depression. Despite all that she has experienced in life, she has learned to love herself, which can be hard for many of us to do.

Anupriya Kapur-

Postpartum depression survivor Anupriya is a single mom, a runner, and a blogger. She co-founded Imbuenatural, which offers chemical-free feminine hygiene products that are gentle on the vaginal area. Her positive presence around the world inspires millions of women to pay attention to both their mental and physical health.

Due to Instagram’s easy-to-digest content as pictures or videos, it encourages peer sharing, which helps influencers broaden their reach to their target audiences. These influential people have the ability to empower you to treat yourself with kindness and positivity.

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